1) More than 2,000 astronomers have signed an Appeal (warning) asking for protection against the current plans for thousands more satellites which will pollute the skies, degrading their observations. They also warn that the transmissions from billions of devices, as part of the IoT, will make scientific practice from earth virtually impossible.
Space X Starlink a WORSE threat to astronomy than light pollution
“There are 2,000 SpaceX Starlink satellites currently in space, with as many as 42,000 planned over the coming years, and it is just one of a number of firms looking to fill low Earth orbit with spacecraft, to provide fast, space-based internet….
To combat the problem, and work with the satellite industry on a solution, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) has launched the Center for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference.”
(click on photo to enlarge)

Safeguarding the Astronomical Sky (IT)
“Through this international appeal and following the same concerns expressed by the International Astronomical Union, IAU [1] and other institutions, we raise a formal request for greater effective protection and safeguard for professional astronomical observations from the ground, guaranteeing the right to observe a sky free from unnecessary artificial polluting sources.
In particular, all the signers, astronomers and collaborators wish to manifest humanly and personally their worry and contrariety to the sky coverage produced by artificial satellites, which represent a dramatic degradation of the scientific content for a huge set of astronomical observations….
To aggravate the matter, with the current technological development, the planned density of radio frequency transmitters is impossible to envisage. In addition to millions of new commercial wireless hot spot base stations on Earth directly connected to the ~50,000 new satellites in space, will produce at least 200 billion of new transmitting objects, according to estimates, as part of the Internet of Things (IoT) by 2020-2022, and one trillion of objects a few years later. Such a large number of radio-emitting objects could make radio astronomy from ground stations impossible without a real protection made by countries’ safe zones where radio astronomy facility are placed. We wish to avoid that technological development without serious control would turn radio astronomy practice into an ancient extinct science.”
2) A newsletter from Marg Friesen (Manitobans for Safe Technology) which includes an important item about fiber optic cable bringing good internet access to rural communities in Manitoba using, at least in part, “dark fiber” not being used as much as possible. I wonder if this is a technique that other provinces could use.
Rural communities, First Nations getting hooked up
Deal finally signed to start building broadband infrastructure
“He said those sorts of conditions are “a detriment to government work, and a detriment for business and it’s incredible that this agreement will bring fibre optics” to so many communities.
The agreement means Xplornet will have access to the so-called dark fibre (unused or underutilized) of the Manitoba Hydro Telecom network that was originally built to connect the hydro utility’s generating stations….
Reg Helwer, the province’s minister in charge of central services, said more than 125,000 rural, remote and northern Manitoba homes and businesses will have new or improved modern broadband services and access to further technology for the next generations as a result of this agreement with Xplornet….
Macdonald said Manitoba is a major focus of attention for the company. In September it acquired Steinbach-based Swift High Speed to provide the actual construction services to start laying cable and eventually fibre to the home for many communities.”
3) Cece Doucette, Massachusetts for Safe Technology, has shared so much information and has educated so many people about the dangers of wireless devices, especially in schools.
She holds a monthly meeting where attendees discuss and debate current issues. We are all in this together and need let others know what is happening in our country/province. Her next meeting is Feb. 16.
MA for Safe Technology Monthly Meeting
Please join us Wednesday to hear what’s happening with MA and
NH bills, and learn what others are doing in their towns
to move the needle to safe technology!
If you can’t be with us, but have something to report from
your town, please send us an update to read
on your behalf.
Hope to see you this Wednesday at noon Eastern, February 16.
Register here:
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what’s right.” Isaac Asimov
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