1) EHT has provided at one website several important lectures and interviews. This might be good to share with people new to the topic.
Lecture Series Now Available – “Marketing 5G and the Internet of Things: The Betrayal of Health and the Environment”
A summary of the 2 new legal actions taken by EHT and in which it participated may be helpful to read in conjunction with the lecture series
Environmental Health Trust took two major NEW legal actions recently to demand accountability from two U.S. agencies: the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
2) Scientists have reported that exposure to RF disorients birds, bats and bees, weakens their immune systems, and is decimating species. Now there is suspicion that the US military’s use of 5G and other RF equipment has led to many migratory birds, some already endangered, to die. The Audubon Society is ignoring the possibility of EMF being the cause — perhaps due to corporate sponsorship?

(click on photos to enlarge)
‘Hundreds of thousands, if not millions’ of birds died during 2020 U.S. Air Force 5G exercise, New Mexico
“This ecological catastrophe must be stopped.
The price for the “protection” and “defense” is the Earth itself, the Earth’s well-being, and the Earth’s future. No reasonable or sane person would ever pay that price. No sane person would ever sign a death warrant for the birds on the planet, but the birds and the insects, in particular, will be decimated by 5G and existing RF-EMF radiation. Those who don’t know this or won’t admit this haven’t done their research. When that is a major entity such as Audubon, that is the grossest of negligence and possibly a conflict of interest.
Who protects the country from the military, the wireless companies, and the war contractors like Elon Musk? Who’s protecting the Earth?”
3) I’ve expressed concern about the loss of copper-based landlines which are being replaced with fiber optic cable digital phones. This system relies on electricity and when there is a prolonged power outage, the phone works only for as long as the battery lasts which is usually 2-4 hours. After that, 911 access will be impossible for many.
I’ve shared my many emails to CRTC and Telus, reminding each that it is a requirement for licensing that telephone companies provide 911. Below in Letters is the most recent response to my email asking how will this be provided in the new “Next Gen 911” environment. It seems that they have not considered the need for 911 service during times of emergencies when the power is out for more than a few hours.
I hope that all of you will write to the Minister of Public Safety, your MP, and your local media about this situation which, inevitably, will be faced by all of us at one time or another.
From: “Minister of Public Safety / Ministre de la Sécurité publique (PS/SP)” <ps.ministerofpublicsafety-ministredelasecuritepublique.sp@ps-sp.gc.ca>
To: Sharon Noble
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2022 11:05:18 AM
Subject: BLR-009534 Response from minister of Public Safety / Réponse du ministre de Sécurité Publique
Please find attached [in the link] a response prepared by Public Safety Canada.
= = =
From: Sharon Noble
To: “Minister of Public Safety, Ministre de la Sécurité publique (PS/SP)” <ps.ministerofpublicsafety-ministredelasecuritepublique.sp@ps-sp.gc.ca>
Cc: “randall garrison” <randall.garrison@parl.gc.ca>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2022 4:49:23 PM
Subject: Re: BLR-009534 Response from minister of Public Safety / Réponse du ministre de Sécurité Publique
Dear Mr. Trevor Bhupsingh,
Thank you for your correspondence of January 20 in response to mine of Aug 6, 2021 regarding the failure of the Next Gen 911 service to provide emergency access during a prolonged power outage for many people.
You stated:
“As you may be aware, the provision of 9-1-1 services throughout Canada is complex and requires coordination between various parties, including telephone and wireless companies, Provincial/Territorial, and municipal governments, and the CRTC. The current state of technology provides Canadians with the tools to make Voice or Teletypewriter (TTY) and Text for hard-of-hearing (T911) calls through landline, cellular and voice-over-IP (VoIP) wherever 9-1-1 emergency call services have been established.”
Unfortunately when the copper landline is eliminated, as it is with the digital phone service, emergency phone service (911) which is required by CRTC, is dependent upon the availability of electricity or cellular access. When there is neither, how will people access 911 services during an emergency? This was the cruxt of my Aug. 6 email, and it remains unanswered. What if there is no cellular or VoIP available?
Your suggestion depends on several things during a prolonged outage:
1) The person has a cell phone. Many of us do not — I for one do not have one and have no intention of purchasing one.
2) The cell phone is charged and functioning.
3) The cell tower has a generator and is working. Many cell towers will be “out” when there is a prolonged power outage making cell phones useless.
4) The internet (VoIP) is still available, but it is electricity or cell service dependent.
5) The digital phone’s battery has a charge, but this is unlikely after a few hours of outage.
Further you advised:
“The CRTC has directed telecommunications to transition their networks in order to be ready to provide NG9-1-1 services, including the ability to communicate with 9-1-1 services in real time using text messaging, by March 2025.”
Text messaging is dependent on the points noted above, #1-3.
CRTC has told me that they are not responsible for telephone companies’ polices or practices and, therefore, it is up to the companies to answer my questions. As I stated in my earlier communications, Telus told me that I should make provisions for the eventuality of a prolonged outage, e.g. buy additional batteries to power the modem. This puts the onus, the costs, and responsibility on the customer, relieving Telus and other phone companies from having to address this critical issue.
Would you please advise how people will be able to communicate with emergency services after NG9-1-1 is implemented? This was my initial question which was not addressed in your response.
You indicate that discussion and collaboration are ongoing. I would ask that this important issue be addressed before the plan is finalized and the resolution be communicated with the public. Many people are unaware that this conversion to digital service could eliminate the availability of 911 service when they most need it — during an emergency.
May I ask that you forward this to Mr. Claude Doucet? You had copied him on your response but did not provide his contact information.
I hope you will address my concerns directly, and look forward to future correspondence on this topic.
Sharon Noble
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A man may imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true, for if the things be false, the apprehension of them is not understanding.” Isaac Newton