I hope that everyone has made it safe, sound and dry through the most recent “storm of the century”. Below, in Letters, I’ve shared my experience which included clear evidence that Telus is not interested in providing customer service so why should we feel safe with regards to future “service”, namely 911 service? The saga continues.
1) From a member, re a new LED lightbulb.
Energy-Saving Lightbulbs Can Interfere With Sleep
“They’ve developed an LED bulb equipped with a chip that emits light in the less health-disruptive violet range. Special materials in this chip absorb this violet light energy and convert it, leading the bulb to emit what looks like the soft glow of evening to human eyes. The human brain responds with signals that sleepy time is approaching.”
2) Cece Doucette is inviting everyone who is interested in participating in some interesting discussions to join her monthly meetings.

Join us for our monthly Massachusetts for Safe Technology meeting — all are welcome:
Wednesday, November 17, 12 Noon Eastern
Register here:
Please consider listing “Monthly meeting of Massachusetts for Safe Technology” in the on-line and printed calendars in your local media — thanks for the idea, Courtney! I just did for the MetroWest Daily News and it only took a few minutes!
3) 5G is still being implemented with use of the milliwave bands in relative infancy but 6G is on the way with the goal of having “pervasive connectivity“, with everyone and everything connected. Will there be a time where humans and machines are so connected that they become one and the same?
Refusing Limits in Technology Innovation
“”With such dramatic changes in the interactions of humans, machines, and the connected world , trust and security must be designed in from the beginning.”
Keysight’s head of commercial communications, Kailash Narayanan, says 6G will need to achieve high levels of sophistication in detecting and neutralizing threats.”
Illuminating the path forward: The future of connectivity
“Customer expectations have also become crystal clear: calls for “I want what I want when I want it” have greater urgency than ever before.
In a bit of serendipity, the ongoing rollout of 5G is enabling game-changing connectivity. The power of 5G will also accelerate the digital transformation of multiple industries.
The present and future of communications are dominated by three major themes: network modernization, new use cases and business models, and the evolution to 6G.
… as the global rollout of 5G continues, research into 6G is picking up. The goal is to deliver the evolutionary and revolutionary changes needed to enable a vision of pervasive connectivity.”
I will be sending this separately to the BC Ombudsperson, Minister of Consumer Affairs, CBC, and anyone else I can think of who may help spread the word.
From: Sharon Noble
To: “response” <response@ccts-cprst.ca>
Cc: “randall garrison” <randall.garrison@parl.gc.ca>, “Premier John Horgan” <john.horgan.mla@leg.bc.ca>, “letters” <letters@timescolonist.com>, “info” <info@consumerprotectionbc.ca>
Sent: November 16, 2021
Subject: complaint re Telus
Dear Sir or Madam.
I’ve written to you before about the fact that with the new digital phone service offered by many telecoms there is a real chance that people will not have 911 service. This is a major concern since my husband has had a heart attack. What will I do if I cannot call an ambulance should he have another?
Telus is in the process of cutting our copper-line service and forcing us to have digital service which is electricity dependent. Until there is assurance that I will have 911 service I am refusing.
Yesterday, Nov. 15, we had a horrible storm in Victoria BC with torrential rains and strong winds. We lost power for hours and many of my friends had no phone service at all. One had just had a hip replacement and was afraid that if she fell, she could not call for help. Her cell phone had not been powered up and had very little power left. I had telephone service the entire time because I still have my copper-line connection.
Today our landline had terrible static, so much that we could not hear the person at the other end. I phoned Telus and asked for help and I was told that I would only get help if I would agree to going digital. This is extortion. I pay my bill and I demand service. The static, according to the rep, is probably due to rain getting into their lines. Their lines, not mine. But I am without phone service unless I accept something I do not want and which, IMHO, is not safe.
Is this not something CRTC should address? CRTC told me it doesn’t get involved with telecoms’ products and policies and that I must take my concerns to Telus. Telus told me that if I have concerns I should buy more batteries (the one provided with the modem may last 4 hours), or buy a generator. Telus said this is not their problem — they were told by CRTC that they can cease maintenance of the copper-line and provide whatever they wish as a replacement. This all in spite of the fact that a prerequisite to being licensed to provide telephone service is providing 911 service — not just for a few hours during a power outage but always to everyone.
Refusing to fix my lines unless I give in to their demands is unacceptable. Telus is not living up to its contractual obligations re. providing 911 service. And no one cares. What about my neighbour? What about my husband? What about those who cannot afford more batteries or a generator? What about the millions who have no idea that they will be left high and dry without access when an ambulance, doctor, a fire truck or police assistance is required?
Please tell me something other than it’s my responsibility to deal with Telus to resolve this.
Sharon Noble
Victoria, BC
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Scientific advancement should aim to affirm and to improve human life.” Nathan Deal