1) Here is a second report by Exponent that is included in FortisBC’s application, part of “expert testimony”. It’s only 49 pages, so I hope everyone will read it. We need to become familiar with these “defenders” of corporations without consciences.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Radiofrequency Fields in the Environment and from Advanced Metering Infrastructure
Again I have not read much of the report but know, from experience, that it will be filled with “junk science”. A couple of examples follow. As you read this, I’m sure you’ll find many more.
A) pg. 9/49 – “In typical operation, the Sonix IQ gas meter transmits RF energy for a total of approximately 0.34 seconds per day. This very low transmission time also means that the exposures in general are also low, especially the indoor RF exposure from the Sonix IQ gas meter, which is about 24 million times below the SC6 exposure limit, and substantially less than RF exposures from common natural and man-made sources.”
Some wrong/deliberately misleading things:
a) Sonix IQ’s own information admits that the RF exposure can be as high as 600 microwatts per square centimeter. The outrageous SC 6 [Safety Code 6] allows 274 microwatts per sq. cm. for 900 MHz frequencies, which is what the gas smeter will use.
b) We don’t know the number of signals per day, but they will be milliseconds long and, most likely, the total time of .34 sec (if accurate) will be for the data downloads only and not the signals needed to keep the network up and running. No doubt, there will be at least hundreds of signals a day, just as there are with BC Hydro’s and FortisBC’s electric smeters.
c) It is outrageous to compare wireless emissions to “common natural” emissions — which are mostly from the sun. All life evolved with and needs the sun, and the radiation it emits doesn’t pulsate or isn’t modulated like man-made wireless emissions. And, BTW, we can escape the sun’s emissions by going into our homes. The same cannot be said re. man-made emissions.
B) pg. 10 – “Although not widely recognized, naturally occurring visible light is one of the most common electromagnetic fields to which we are exposed every day.”
See above. It is common for industry to try to confuse those who are not familiar with man-made EMF with comparisons to nature, among other things.
2) Because the microcells being used for 5G transmitters are so small, they can be installed just about anywhere — inside and out. Right now, the prime targets are cities where usage is high and small communities where macro cell towers are expensive (and where Municipal Councils and knowledgeable residents can prevent them). This emphasizes the need for municipalities to write Antenna Siting Policies that include microcells which often are on public property.
What are the top small cell use cases and places?
Sport complexes, concert halls and other enclosed venues are promising scenarios for a small cell deployment
“Small cells can be deployed indoors or outdoors and in licensed, shared or unlicensed spectrum, making them a versatile coverage and capacity solution. However, for Rex Chen, director of business development LitePoint, densifying urban environments that have a high user population is the most obvious use case for small cells.
“In places like metropolitan urban areas […] small cells play a pretty unique role of getting a roll out in the metropolitan urban area [and]play a critical role in making sure that mmWave deployment can really happen to [for]the masses,” he shared with RCR Wireless News.
The second type of location ideal for such deployments, he continued, are communities “with just a few hundred users,” where a macro tower might be “overkill.””

From: Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
To: “Secretary Commission” <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>
Cc: “gas regulatory affairs” <gas.regulatory.affairs@fortisbc.com>,
Sent: October 16, 2021
Subject: No. 2 – product defence firms
Mr. Wruck,
I apologize for this second attempt to forward information. Please disregard my previous email to you. I am resending this email to you, as I previously failed to include my attached letter, for other interested parties, in my last communication to you. [see Letters – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-10-18-lloyds-of-london-compares-emf-to-asbestos/]
Since this is urgent information for all parties and the visiting general public, I request that my Bailey/Lerchl letter, is posted as E Exhibits — Letters of Comment with the heading “Fortis’ expert, providing science fraud.” This is not about opinions, but about documented court ruling of science fraud.
I am deeply concerned that, in the past, government funded BCUC considered the opinions of Mr. Bailey, of the infamous product defense firm, Exponent, of greater relevance than the warnings and medical information from doctors, epidemiologists, and bio-physicist who did not profit in any way, unlike Mr. Bailey who makes his living defending the indefensible for profit, in mercenary-like fashion.
Exponent is the go-to destination for major industries with liability problems – derided by critics as a hired gun whose findings are for sale.
Anyone who profits from defending: beryllium, asbestos, dioxins, formaldehyde, oil pollution, and many other bio toxic substances, has not an ounce of compassion for the millions of victims of environmental pollution, who draw their last struggling breath far to soon.
My wife became the victim of industry lobbyist, like Bailey and his kind.
Since people like Bailey will resurface again and again, whenever industry requires unscrupulous defenders, may I suggest to the members of the BCUC panel to read just how ruthless industry defense firms really are. In the 2008 book, Doubt is Their Product, former top level US government scientist and director of the Project on Scientific Knowledge and Public Policy at The George Washington University of Public Health and Health Services, Dr. David Michaels reveals how much suffering and death industry defense firms, like Exponent, have caused by being instrumental in delaying meaningful public protection for decades.
Kind regards,
Marcus Schluschen
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.” Isaac Newton