1) This issue of losing the copper lines for our home phone service is becoming critical and I don’t believe that most people realize what is happening. I have written to the Minister of Public Safety, and my letter is below.
Please consider writing a letter (and please make it your own, even if it is short), involve your MP [https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/search], tell your friends and relatives. I think, as well, we should get senior citizens’ advocates such as:
(click on photos to enlarge)
https://www.seniorsadvocatebc.ca/ or https://www.carp.ca/
involved as well as firemen [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/bc-fire-department-contact-e-mail-lists/] and other emergency personnel.
This issue is separate from the other issue associated with fiber optic service, the EMF issue that results from the conversion of light to electrical signals, and I have chosen to push the issue that most people will understand and are most likely to care about — 911.
2) On June 28 the Globe and Mail hosted a forum where people in various fields, ranging from security experts to telecom marketing people, discussed how 5G will change our lives. The webcast is available. I missed attending this and have not had the chance to listen to it yet.
5G Potential Game Changer for How Canadians Will Live and Work in the Future
“New generations of cellular networks have been rolling out every decade in Canada since the 1980s, but the level of discourse leading up to the introduction of the fifth generation (or 5G) of Canada’s telecommunications networks has been unique in its level of interest to businesses and individual citizens. The response from industry associations, governments at all levels, and security experts alike has also been different from the past, in that many are now viewing 5G as a potential game-changer for how Canadians will live and work in the future.”
https://vimeo.com/568650083 (57 min.)
3) Hundreds of US government workers, both in foreign countries and in the USA, are thought to have been the victims of “directed energy” attacks, aka microwave attacks. Will Health Canada and FCC now acknowledge that non-thermal radiation can cause harm??
State Department is slammed for its ‘tepid’ response to Havana syndrome: Diplomats are now too scared to apply for posts where staff have been targeted
“As early as 2014, the National Security Agency (NSA) said in a memo to one intelligence officer who said he had suffered possible symptoms that an unnamed ‘hostile country’ to which the official traveled in the late 1990s had a ‘high powered microwave system weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate or kill an enemy over time and without leaving evidence.’
The memo said intelligence indicated that such a weapon was ‘designed to bathe a target’s living quarters in microwaves, causing numerous physical effects, including a damaged nervous system.’
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in June that a government-wide review was underway into who or what caused suspected radio frequency attacks ‘directed’ at diplomats”

From: Sharon Noble
To: “Bill Blair” <Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: “randall garrison” <randall.garrison@parl.gc.ca>; advocacy@carp.ca;Linda.Carey@gov.bc.ca
Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2021 10:29:10 PM
Subject: 911 service threatened
Dear Hon. Bill Blair,
I am writing to you as Minister of Safety and Public Preparedness to ask for your assistance in protecting our 911 emergency service.
In British Columbia, there are 2 home telephone providers, Shaw and Telus. We currently receive our service from Telus which has advised that it will no longer maintain the copper lines which provide service to homes even during power outages. The replacement is fiber optic cable, which Telus calls “Pure Fiber”. This service requires electricity and, during an outage, depends upon a backup battery. A Telus representative told me that the battery is supposed to last 2-4 hours, if it is fully charged. After that period, the phone is dead, no calls can be made, even to 911.
When Telus told me I had no option but to accept the Pure Fiber replacement, I asked about this loss of access to 911. Telus’s response was that I would have to use my cell phone. There are several problems with this approach. First, I, like many, do not have a cell phone and neither do I wish to have one. Second, cell phones may not be fully charged prior to the outage and could die during a prolonged one. Third, not all cell towers have generators and many will not function once power is lost. No cell tower, no cell phone, no 911 access.
Given this scenario, when there is no electricity virtually everyone in BC is threatened with the loss of 911. We will be unable to get help during a medical emergency or fire, or to have contact with loved ones, friends, and others during disasters when telephone access often is needed most, especially by seniors. I believe that firefighters, medical services providers and ambulance services would agree that this is an unacceptable practice.
Climate change is causing stronger and more frequent storms. This is an indisputable fact. Resultant power outages will be more frequent and last longer.
According to CRTC, telephone providers must provide 911 service. See https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/phone/911/serv.htm
“Service Provider Obligations
If you want to be a local telephone service provider in Canada, you have to provide 9-1-1 service and comply with certain other obligations. Here’s what you need to know depending on whether you are a reseller or a facilities-based provider.”
Hon. Mr. Blair, public safety falls under your mandate and public safety depends upon having access to emergency services. I ask you to require Telus and other telephone service providers to follow CRTC’s requirements — maintain and protect our 911 service and prevent our health and safety from being jeopardized.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to receiving your response regarding this critical issue.
Sharon Noble
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It’s the great deception in modern culture: Bad things call for noble names to cloak their evil outcomes.” Greg Gutfeld