1) More cell towers being erected all over the place, no doubt to support the 5G grid. Please keep an eye on your newspaper and your municipal Council’s webpage or speak with your Councillors to learn about these things as quickly as possible. And let me know so I can help alert others.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Residents raise concerns over proposed cellphone tower in Qualicum Bay
“Some residents in Qualicum Bay are upset to hear about plans to build a cellphone tower at 210 Cochrane Rd.
TELUS has notified residents in the area it proposes to build a 63-metre, steel self-support tower to improve wireless services for residents and businesses in Qualicum Bay, approximately 15 minutes from Qualicum Beach.
Hunt suggested a suitable site for the tower near the Big Qualicum River bridge or the overpass where Cochrane Road crosses Highway 19. He also recommended the Cochrane Road BC Hydro substation as a potential location as it is not likely to be residential, has a power source, easy road access and is already used for large-scale utilities.
TELUS has set a deadline of April 12 at the end of business day for residents to submit their comments.
2) Dariusz Leszczynski vents his frustration that ARPANSA, Australia’s equivalent to Health Canada and the FCC, is promoting misleading articles about the safety of 5G and the evidence showing biological effects, written by people with significant potential for conflicts of interest.
ARPANSA’s unfounded claims on 5G safety – Nature Publisher should be embarrassed and retract!
“Few days ago two review articles on 5G millimeter-waves were published by scientists from Australia.
The articles in question appeared in the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, published by the prestigious British NATURE:…
ARPANSA claim of the “world-first reviews into 5G radio waves” is incorrect, and laughable. Simple check on PubMed database shows that in 2019 and 2020 were published reviews on 5G millimeter waves:”
3) Someone asked me to share this petition pertaining to a proposed cell tower in North Cowichan. I have no information about it but if anyone does, please share. Hopefully, others are getting to the landowner, warning about inability to get insurance to protect against claims and alerting others in the area about what is going on.
Would anyone out there be willing to sign an anti-cell phone tower petition for Mount Tzouhalem & Evans Park?
4) Today on CBC’s Cross Country Checkup, I was told the topic was the merger between Shaw and Rogers and how this would be the “next step toward a better 5”. It was hard for people to get through and I have not heard if the topics of health, privacy, or any of our other concerns were addressed. Perhaps if enough of us wrote to CBC, we could ask for another program addressing these issues and the possible solution for improved internet — fiber optic cable to homes.
From: Oona McOuat (name given with permission)
To: “checkup” <checkup@cbc.ca>
Cc: “citizensforsafertech” <citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca>
Sent: March 21, 2021
Subject: Build Fiber Infrastructure and make it a publicly-owned Asset
Lobbying reports show that big telecom lobbies Ottawa an average of twice a day, and they are receiving the bulk of public broadband funding. Why are we letting corporations control our telecommunications landscape?
With Internet deemed an essential service, we will only create affordable and reliable connectivity by increasing competition not through consolidation.
I am an advocate for publicly-owned fiber broadband and would like to see federal broadband funding supporting this rather than the wireless internet services provided by the big three. (Telus, Bell, Rogers)
For Internet, community-owned fiber is the answer. It provides symmetrical upload and download speeds and is the fastest, safest most energy efficient, secure and potentially net neutral way of bringing broadband Internet to our nation.
Oona McOuat
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!” Sitting Bull