1) Please see below in Letters information about a couple of major protests being organized in March outside satellite headquarters in California and launch site in Florida. Once again, included is the ad that was placed in the San Francisco Chronicle for both Nov. 22 and Nov. 29. I have been told that if anyone would like to get this published in their local newspaper, it can be made available in a pdf version — just let me know and I will send it.
Email <citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca> with “5G Ad” on the subject line.
2) Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) has been fighting for many years for a healthier environment in Canada and now is advocating for major changes to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. I attended all 3 webinars that deal with environmental pollutants and the needed amendments to CEPA. EMR is an environmental pollutant and should, I believe, be considered a toxic one by CEPA. I strongly encourage you to watch the webinars (each about an hour) and to think about how we can do this.
(click on photo to enlarge)

The Right to a Healthy Environment – Advocating for Inclusion in CEPA
“The right to a healthy environment is crucial – it directly impacts people’s lives as it encompasses health, food, water, sanitation, property, culture, and non-discrimination, among others.
150 countries around the globe currently recognize the right to a healthy environment – Canada is excluded from this list. While some provinces in Canada recognize environmental rights to a limiting degree through environmental statutes, such as regulatory contexts, participation rights, and certain procedural opportunities, a fulsome and clearly articulated substantive right to a healthy environment has not so far been adopted in Canada….
It has been over 20 years since the 1999 amendments to CEPA, and the most recent parliamentary review process that began in 2016 is the first real opportunity since then to make changes to longstanding issues such as environmental rights, chemicals policy, public engagement and decision making, as well as highlight the protection of vulnerable communities…
Among the key amendments that CELA is advocating for include changes to how people can undertake legal action under CEPA. CELA is proposing a new Section 22 that allows for legal challenges and enforcement mechanisms by the public to be put in place. This proposed section would provide another opportunity to hold the government accountable for decision making.”
Webinar Series
“CELA recently concluded a series of webinars focused on the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), our country’s main environmental legislation used to evaluate and manage substances. In this webinar series, we explored how CEPA can be strengthened to protect vulnerable communities, including children, women of childbearing age, workers, people of low income, and Indigenous communities from toxic exposures, using improved, modern approaches to advance prevention strategies from hazardous substances.”
3) This is a unique opportunity to listen to amazing experts speak about many of the topics that concern us. Usually, there is an annual conference to which attendees must travel and, in addition to incurring those costs, must pay for hotels and meals above and beyond the registration fees. Being a virtual conference allows attendees to stay at home and participate fully. Even more important is the fact that this conference is geared to doctors who, by and large, are ignorant about EMR-related health effects and especially EHS. Please consider sending this info to your doctor.
“The EMF Medical Conference 2021, a virtual conference, will convene January 28-31, 2021 to review the latest exposure science. Leading physicians, clinicians, and scientists will conduct presentations on the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of EMF associated illness, and experts in EMF assessment will present proven methods that can prevent or limit EMF exposure hazards.
The four-day Virtual Conference has been designed to educate and train health practitioners and the general public and will feature global experts including:
36 speakers
7 Interactive Q&A Sessions with Speakers
EMF Meter Workshop
This conference has been approved for 16.5 hours of CME.“
Dear All,
Stop 5G international has set the next Global 5G Protest Day for the Equinox, March 20,2021, and a smaller event, a CandleLight Vigil, set for the Solstice Dec. 20 and 21, 2020). Please consider joining in on, and sharing these events.
But now onto the main purpose of this message.
Two items:
First: Below is a message from David Goldberg and a few others working to rein in global tech-insanity.
David is from Colorado and somewhat new to the 5G movement. I have found him to have very nice energy, integrity, a sense of balance, and a collaborative spirit. As part of the Global Protest Day, David wants to mount a protest outside of SpaceX headquarters in California, and potentially another one at their launching site in Florida. And if this takes off (excuse the pun) perhaps other countries will want to join in with protests at satellite headquarters in their own country as well.)
We are trying to assemble a team of people to organize and promote this SpaceX event. Bi-weekly calls are set for Thursday at 6:00 pm EST as David outlines in his message below. Please read and share David’s message with others you think may be interested in helping to organize this event.
Second: Please read and consider sharing the awareness-raising ad and blogpost about satellites from the San Francisco Chronicle. Donations are most welcome to continue this “ad campaign”. Explanation, ad, and blogpost follow beneath the letter from David.
All the very best,
Kate Kheel
MESSAGE FROM David Goldberg:
Dear Friends Against 5G,
Like never before, the time to take action is NOW or it may be too late!
I’ll get right to the point. We are planning national protest rallies at the headquarters of SpaceX in Hawthorne, CA, and at their launch site in Cape Canaveral, FL, and are inviting you to participate now and at the rallies. The events will take place on Friday, March 19th, 2021 and will “kick off”, and be the centerpieces of the next 5G Global Protest Day, which is scheduled for the following day, March 20th.
The rallies will protest the satellites SpaceX is deploying to provide wireless internet to every corner of the globe. To date, SpaceX has submitted applications to the FCC for 42,000 satellites. As of October 24th, the company had approximately 858 satellites orbiting in the earth’s ionosphere, and public beta testing started on October 26th.
As we are all electrical beings, the consequences will be catastrophic to us, wildlife, plants, trees, and all living beings. As author and scientist, Arthur Firstenberg points out in his best-selling book, The Invisible Rainbow,
“The roots of our life-support system are firmly anchored in the pillars of the earth’s magnetic field, far above our heads, where the pulsations of the universe, nourished and watered by the sun, are absorbed, animating all living things below….Satellites have a profound effect…because they are already IN the earth’s magnetosphere. …radiation from satellites works its full force on the magnetosphere.”
Unfortunately, SpaceX is not the only company launching satellites. One Web, Telesat, Amazon, Facebook and Lynk all have plans to join the global 5G race with their own fleets of satellite networks. Many other countries also have satellite programs. Ideally, we would be protesting all of these, but are focusing this time on SpaceX as they will be leading the charge.
My name is David Goldberg, and I am a small business owner, concerned grandparent, and 5G activist living in Loveland, CO. I am working very closely with the amazing and committed folks at Stop 5G International (www.stop5ginternational.org) and The International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space (www,5gspaceappeal.org) to organize and get the word out about the rallies. One primary goal will be raising awareness about the dangers posed by satellites – complemented by millions of terrestrial User Terminals, 5G antennas, and Earth Stations. These dangers include satellite collisions, depletion of the ozone layer, space debris accumulation, pollution from rocket launches, interference with astronomical research and weather forecasting, and effects on wildlife and humans from yet more wireless radiation than our current already harmful levels. Another goal will be to meet with Elon Musk, SpaceX chairman, to begin an honest and open conversation about these dangers.
As mentioned, we need your help getting the word out about these rallies and would love your attendance as well.
First, we would like to invite you to join our organizing committee which will be meeting via Zoom every other Thursday at 3:00 PST, 6:00 EST, with our next meeting scheduled for December 3rd. Please let us know if you would like to join this, and/or other upcoming meetings, and we will send you the meeting link and agenda.
Next, if you could send this letter and/or future event flyers to all of your contacts in this movement – including celebrities you know in the Los Angeles area that have expressed their support for the Stop-5G movement – that would really help to get the word out.
The planet is calling out to us. If ever there was an existential crisis on earth, we are in it now. Please join us in taking action and spreading the word about these protest rallies with the underlying message that we need to change course before it is too late – And halting the satellite program is a good place to start.
Thank you so much and we look forward to working with you.
David Goldberg, 5G Colorado Action
Kate Kheel, Julie Levine, Sarah Aminoff and the rest of the crew at Stop5G International
Arthur Firstenberg, The International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
Ads in major U.S. West Coast newspaper warn the public about global Wi-Fi and 5G
A collaboration of organizations and individuals published two full-page advertisements in the San Francisco Chronicle to warn of the clear and serious hazards of global Wi-Fi and 5G in the atmosphere — from satellites, drones, and balloons — and the 1000s of rockets required to launch the mega-constellations of satellites,
These ads ran November 22 and 29.
Ad in San Francisco Chronicle
Sharon Noble, Director. Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.” Henry David Thoreau