1) Dr. Don Maisch was kind enough to share this abstract. Hopefully, it will be open to public access soon.The abstract shares the conclusion that there have not been enough studies of millimeter waves to be able to determine health effects so, therefore, the precaution is recommended.
Review of physiological effects of mm-waves on skin (Leszczynski)
“Notice from Dariusz Leszczynski: Here is the abstract of the paper, published in Reviews on Environmental Health. It is, unfortunately, not an open access. “Physiological effects if millimeter-waves on skin and skin cells: an overview of the to-date published studies” Abstract follows.”
https://www.emfacts.com/2020/08/review-of-physiological-effects-of-mm-waves-on-skin-leszczynski/ or
2) The Qualicum Beach council has chosen to ignore a request by a delegation to present information about cell towers and their associated health risks (as presented by 2 local doctors) and hundreds of letters, emails and phone calls. Telus will be allowed to erect a tower near schools and homes. And why is ISED not requiring Telus to put its transmitter on the 2 existing structures that already hold many transmitters?
The people there are still fighting for their right to be heard and for the process that is normally followed for such applications. The people who have fought so hard are hoping you will add your comments to this article that was in the local newspaper. Please remember health, while the major issue for most of us, isn’t the only one: environment; bees, birds and pollinators; property value; once this tower is up, more transmitters will be put on with no more notification.
Qualicum Beach moves forward on alternative recommendation for proposed cell tower
“The town has received a large volume of unsolicited correspondence on the proposed locations, as well as requests from community members to make a delegation to council regarding this issue. Staff have not allowed delegations to date, and are seeking council direction on the extent of public consultation to be undertaken by the town. Although there is no legal requirement for addition public consultation, staff recommend an additional period of time for members of the public to write directly to the town,” read part of a town report.”
3) Pressure is being put on the FCC in the US, and I believe it is high time that we began similar action against Health Canada and ISED. Health Canada ignores science and sets RF exposure limits based on heating only. ISED is responsible for enforcing these limits for consumer goods, e.g. cell phones, and doesn’t. Both mislead the public without ramifications.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Over 700 Medical and Scientific Experts Slam FCC For Ignoring Environmental & Health Risks of 5G
“The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is supposed to protect Americans by regulating the telecom industry. They have a long history of NOT doing so and have become more dangerous since Trump took office.
Lawsuits have been filed against the agency for NOT protecting the public from unsafe levels of radiation as well as 5G deployment on the ground and in space. In addition to filing lawsuits, American municipalities have passed resolutions to ban deployment until studies prove it’s safe and ordinances to limit and/or control installation. State representatives in Hawaii and Illinois have introduced 5G bills. Congress members have also addressed the agency with safety concerns.”

from: http://chng.it/LphqXjPj
From: Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020 3:15 PM
To: Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca
Subject: democracy denied in Q.B.
Re: Democracy Denied in Qualicum Beach
Dear Mrs. May,
TELUS is poised to erect, yet another cell tower, in Qualicum Beach, which is already inundated by numerous cell towers.
Despite having received many letters against the massive, 43 meter structure, which would be located at the entrance of Qualicum Beach, very close to Milner Gardens, Qualicum Beach council refuses to give the public the democratic right to be heard, in an open meeting!
Opponents of the cell tower arranged to have 2 medical doctors speak to council, to explain how cell tower radiation adversely impacts the cells of the human body, and negatively impacts the environment.
Both doctors, Dr. Faulkner of Duncan and Dr. Cline of Nanaimo, both practicing, were instrumental in stopping proposed cell towers in Erington and a couple other places.
Q.B. council was informed, that both doctors agreed to speak to them, but hastily voted to stop democratic process, in favour of the cell tower, denying both doctors to speak on behalf of concerned citizens, whose homes would be right below, or very near the cell tower.
One long time resident is in complete despair, as her home, in which she lived most of her life, would be located directly below the cell tower.
Rightfully, she is deeply concerned of long term microwave radiation exposure to her family, her garden, which is the families income, as well as massive property devaluation.
Qualicum Beach received many letters, even from this writer, containing science, illustrating irrefutable evidence of harm from 24/7/365 radiation exposure, as well as property devaluation studies.
This deliberate suppression of the public’s right, to informed consent, by this rogue council, is a deliberate attempt to quash public debate of this highly controversial issue.
PQ News has a story of the latest development in Qualicum Beach. https://www.pqbnews.com/news/qualicum-beach-moves-forward-on-alternative-recommendation-for-proposed-cell-tower/#facebook-comments
I am certain, Mrs. May, that you are well informed of the adverse environmental impacts, man-made radiation, has on life.
For the benefit of Green Party members, who so far have remained unaware of the biological effects, non-ionizing radiation has on the environment, I am including this link. Please be so kind an forward this urgent global appeal, on to the members of the Green Party.
5G space Appeal
https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal 298,176 signatories from 219 nations and territories as of Aug. 24th, 2020
We the undersigned scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens from (__) countries, urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites. 5G will massively increase exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications already in place. RF radiation has been proven harmful for humans and the environment.
The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.
Despite widespread denial, the evidence that radio frequency (RF) radiation is harmful to life is already overwhelming. The accumulated clinical evidence of sick and injured human beings, experimental evidence of damage to DNA, cells and organ systems in a wide variety of plants and animals, and epidemiological evidence that the major diseases of modern civilization—cancer, heart disease and diabetes—are in large part caused by electromagnetic pollution, forms a literature base of well over 10,000 peer-reviewed studies.
Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is abundant evidence of harm to diverse plant-wildlife and laboratory animals. including:
Ants, Birds, Forests, Frogs, Fruit flies, Honey bees, Insects, Mammals, Mice, Plants, Rats, Trees.
I’d like to take this opportunity, to thank you for the many years of diligence and perseverance, in bringing environmental issues to light, as other political parties remain beholden to their financial backers. My uncle, who was far ahead of his time, was one of the founders of the German Green Party.
Mrs. May, we would greatly appreciate your support, or advice how to proceed, in this pressing matter!
Best regards,
Marcus Schluschen
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” Winston Churchill