1) Another area of Austria joins the group calling for a moratorium re. 5G expansion.
Municipality of Flattach, Austria adopts resolution against 5G expansion
“The Head Of Office, Mr. Markus Zaiser reports that the Municipal Council of Flattach, Austria, at its meeting of 9 July 2020, decided by a majority vote:
. That, in order to protect the population, as well as the animal and plant world from harmful wireless radiation, the broadband provision for fast Internet in the municipality of Flattach is to be carried out by means of a fibre-optic cable network, including the existing copper lines of the old fixed network, as was the agreed target in the Broadband Strategy 2020, and not by means of harmful 5G wireless technology,
. That, in the case of planning approval for transmitters of any kind, the intended use (radiation) is taken into account in the granting of permission for any given location and that, in the case of existing transmitters, a review must be carried out within 3 years.
. To place the following resolution before the Austrian Federal Government:
The Austrian Federal Government is asked to adopt a moratorium on expansion of the 5G network until it can be proven that 5G does not cause injury to the health of humans or animals. Above all, the precautionary protection of the health of the population must be given a higher priority.
. To approve the attached regulation on planning permission measures in the municipal area.
The municipality of Flattach thus joins an ever-growing number of Austrian municipalities opposing 5G expansion.”
2) A 2 day study on zebrafish exposed to 3.5 GHz has led researchers at Oregon State University to declare 5G technology safe! The industry will love this study. I wonder who funded it.
5G networks have few health impacts, study finds
“”Based on our study, we don’t think 5G radiation is that harmful,” said Subham Dasgupta, a postdoctoral fellow working in the lab of Robyn Tanguay at Oregon State. “It’s predominately benign.”
In the study, published July 9 in the journal PLOS ONE, the researchers exposed embryonic zebrafish for two days to 3.5 GHz radiofrequency radiation, the frequency typically used by 5G-enabled cell phones.
They found no significant impacts on mortality, how the embryos formed or the embryos’ behavioral response to light. They did find a modest impact on a test that measures the embryos’ response to a sudden sound that they will investigate further.”
3) Qualicum Beach is fighting a cell tower Telus wants to put near schools, in the middle of town. Please consider signing this petition.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Qualicum Beach – Better Service – Yes. Near Schools and Homes – NO!!

Subject: Community Health and wireless radiation
Date: 11 Jul 2020
From: Finlay MacPherson (name given with permission)
To: info@ccrd-bc.ca, cao@ccrd.ca, pwm@ccrd.ca
Dear Regional District Management and Staff,
For many years I have had concern with the increasing use of wireless devices in this valley, and the harm such technology has done and continues doing to ALL life on this planet. As part of the CCRD Mandate is “fostering the current and future economic, social, and environmental well-being of its community”, what, if anything, do you intend doing about addressing my concern?
The Canadian government still advises the public that Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 is protective to health for all allowed microwave radiation exposures in Canada. That is misleading and completely false. Safety Code 6 completely ignores non-thermal and long proven damaging biological effects. The wireless industry knows, but does not want consumers to know, exposure to wireless technology is a toxic carcinogen, and the longer one is exposed to it the more damage is done. Many eminent researchers have presented evidence to the UN’s World Health Organization requesting they reclassify such wireless radiation to a Class 1 carcinogen from their present Class 2B rating (probable carcinogen). Both Lloyd’s and SwissRe, major underwriters for risks of all kinds, refuse to provide insurance coverage for electromagnetic radiation exposure damage as they consider it an extremely high risk with potential to destroy their future. Telecom companies Annual Reports to Shareholders also include fine print stating much the same. Most self-insure because of this. I have attached a few articles for reference should you doubt the seriousness of this problem.
Local schools, hospital and others use Wi-Fi because they too seemingly remain ignorant and unaware of the damage being done. Wireless devices use roughly 10 times the energy of wired devices and will never be as fast as fiber optics or Ethernet connection. Renowned epidemiologist Dr. Martin Pall opines “the race to 5G” as absolute insanity. I purchased an EMFields Acoustimeter Model AM-10 many years ago to measure local non-ionising pulsed microwave radiation. Highest levels in this valley were found in Hagensborg in the vicinity of the Telus trailer site, and in downtown Bella Coola. Despite wireless industry and government propaganda, there is no “safe” level. Were it not for the trillions of dollars profit motivating wireless industry truth cover-up, it would have been banned from public use.
Should you really wish to improve the future well-being of this community I suggest you act sooner than later, as damage from wireless technology is cumulative. I still mourn the loss of my good neighbour, 46 year old Gunnar (“Mitch”) Moren, to a rare form of brain cancer directly linked to electromagnetic radiation exposure.
Finlay MacPherson
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!” Leonardo da Vinci