1) Time Sensitive: Cell tower application in Qualicum Beach. This info was sent to me by a member living in QB.
Here is a copy of a public notice concerning Telus installing a 45-meter monopole structure in Qualicum Beach:
(click on photos to enlarge)
There is no indication of a date for a public meeting. It might be necessary to contact the city or Telus to find out the date and place. Please get word out to ensure as many people as possible know about this.
The proposed first site is located at 2045 Island Highway W. in Qualicum Beach (in the vicinity of signage for Eaglecrest Golf Course). The member who reported this does not know if the site at 2045 Island Highway W. is private or municipal.
The second site is across the highway at 845 Village Way, which is next to the church property they were proposing the last time. This site is on QB land right where Village Way and Highway 19A intersect.
Comments must be made by close of business day July 27, 2020. Please make sure that the owners are aware of their legal and financial liability in the event of a lawsuit due to harm.
2) 5 Canadian municipalities (4 in Quebec) have asked for a moratorium on 5G until health and safety concerns are addressed. Councillors raised excellent points, e.g. liability. But will they get honest and correct answers from the Federal Government? Look in the article re. Niagara Falls and see the significance of the misleading/untrue information Health Canada has on its website. “Staff said Health Canada has updated its website information to indicate there is no scientific evidence to support claims of increased risks of cancer.” The public has a right to know the real science that exists that shows the potential of harm from microwave radiation. This is unethical and immoral, if not worse.
It’s time that BC adds some municipalities to this list.

5th Canadian Municipality Calls for 5G Moratorium. Niagara Falls and Ontario Elected Officials Concerned About Safety
“Kudos to these Canadian municipalities for calling for moratoriums: Coaticook, Sutton, Pike River, and Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Quebec and also to elected officials in Niagara Falls and Ontario for raising valid health and safety concerns.”
Ottawa Must Review 5G Policies: Niagara Falls
“Niagara Falls city council is asking the federal government to go back and review its policies regarding 5G, and to further get involved in scientific investigations studying whether the health concerns surrounding the wireless technology are valid or not….
Her motion calling on the city to request the federal government review the necessity for municipal consultation of 5G placement of antennas and towers, and to review its consultation exemption policies was approved by council.
Lococo’s motion directing staff to bring back a report about the city’s liability when there is a health claim regarding 5G was also approved.
“What is our liability when there is a health claim? What is our liability when antenna towers are on public property? What is our liability when the antenna towers are on private property?”
Council also backed a motion brought forward by Coun. Wayne Campbell, asking the federal government to further get involved in scientific investigations regarding 5G, “so that we can have a solid answer as to whether there are health concerns or not.”
3) The Federal Government is encouraging people to download an app on their cell phone that will provide contact tracing re. COVID-19. Concerns have been raised re. privacy and misuse of info by government or others. No indication if the app would continue to work after the pandemic.
Ottawa promotes contact tracing app for Canadians in fight against the spread of COVID-19
“The app is based on the wireless communication technology known as Bluetooth, which allows devices to sense one another and keep track of their encounters without having to provide that information to others. Apps of this type received a higher grade from Amnesty International when it released a report on Tuesday ranking different countries based on how well their COVID-19 technologies protect individual privacy.
Florian Kerschbaum, director of the University of Wateloo’s Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute, said Bluetooth is the preferred way to protect privacy because it only keeps track of how close individuals may have been to one another not where their encounters took place. Some apps rely instead on GPS to show where an individual who may have been exposed to COVID-19 has been.
The fear is that this kind of detailed tracking data could be misused by governments or other entities. Dr. Kerschbaum added that it also raises the possibility that hackers could create fake GPS profiles for different locations that can be used to spy on individuals by revealing whether they are near one of the fake profiles.”
4) A member reports that there are 2 new towers in Nanaimo, in the area of the new Dodd’s Furniture Store, and wonders if these are 5G. New towers must apply to the city for permission and, if there is no Antenna Siting Policy, notify homes and businesses within 3 times the height of the tower. There also must be a public meeting. I have suggested that she ask the City for information about these towers. She mentioned that as she was looking for these towers on Townsite Road, she saw what appeared to be a number of microcells in the area that she saw on the www.emrabc.ca website.
If anyone has any information about either the towers or the microcells please email me at:
<citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca> with “Nanaimo towers” on the subject line.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We owe it to ourselves and to the next generation to conserve the environment so that we can bequeath our children a sustainable world that benefits all.” Wangari Maathai