1) Important news. Many are working to organize presentations by Dr. Martin Pall and, in some places, with Dr. Timothy Schoechle. Dr. Pall is a world renowned researcher and expert on the biological effects of microwave radiation and is trying to educate as many as possible about the dangers of 5G. Dr. Schoechle is the author of “Wired Smart Cities” http://connected-communities.ca/wired-smart-cities.
Only one venue is ready to be announced. The presentation will be in Ganges, Salt Spring Island on June 26, 7:00 pm, at the Gulf Islands Secondary School, 232 Rainbow Rd.
(click on photo to enlarge)

People are working to organize presentations in Victoria (July 3), Nanaimo (July 4), Bowen Island (no specifics available) and Vancouver (no specifics available). As more info is available, I will share and they also will be put on the home page of our website.
If you would like to volunteer to help in any way, let me know and I will put you in touch with organizers.
Donations would be greatly appreciated, and I will have details about how and to whom they can be made shortly.
Please tell your friends and family about this opportunity to hear expert(s) speak about this important topic. It is crucial to have people attend who don’t understand, don’t believe or don’t know about the dangers associated with this technology and the gadgets that they love.
2) Please see below, in Letters, comments from a member who attended an open house by Telus to promote a cell tower in Gold River. Note the old information sheet from the government that they handed out, the misinformation Telus told people. No mention, apparently, that this cell tower no doubt is being put up as part of the 5G grid. No mention that fiber optic cable is coming to the area to provide faster internet access which could be done best of all by a fiber optic network that is entirely wired, no wireless transmitters in microcells outside bedrooms.
Gold River could control its internet service using fiber optic cable, but it will have to act fast or else Telus will get control, using the fiber optic cable for the microcells.
3) New Westminster is one of several towns/cities/communities that have special arrangements with BC Hydro or FortisBC. Until now, it avoided having smeters, but a member found info indicating that things are about to change. Do the people of New Westminster know?
On the BC Bid website
“The City of New Westminster invites responses from Advanced Metering Infrastructure (‘AMI’) System providers to supply and install an AMI system which will consist of meters, network (collectors and extenders), field deployment tools, a meter head end and network management system (HES/NMS) and a meter data management system (MDM) to support the needs of the electric utility customers of the City of New Westminster, BC.”
4) Blue Cross is reporting that the millennials, members of which were the first ones born after cell phones were commonly used, are experiencing a profound increase in serious diseases before they reach 30.
“BCBS Health Index data underscores the urgency for the healthcare community to recognize that millennial Americans are experiencing double-digit increases in prevelance for eight of the top 10 health conditions. Additionally, millennials had significantly higher prevalence rates than did their Gen X counterparts at the same age. The health status of millennials will likely have substantial effects on the American economy over the next two decades—including workplace productivity and healthcare costs. BCBS is partnering with Moody’s Analytics to forecast how the health of millennials will impact the future economy, with results highlighted in an upcoming BCBS Health of America report.”
5) Lloyd Burrell has provided many interviews with experts about EMR, Wi-Fi, etc. over the last couple of years. If you missed hearing any during the last “summit”, Lloyd is providing them again. The details are in “Letters” below
Re. Telus Open house in Gold River.
This is what was handed out by Telus at Friday night’s cell tower open house in Gold River. This paper is dated June 2011 with outdated studies. Nothing is mentioned of the latest studies such as NTP, Ramazzini, etc.
They also claimed on their poster boards that Canada has the most stringent safety code in the world.
They had the audacity to tell people that cell tower radiation is not any different than the natural radiation of Earth and Sun. They also brought up the 2B classification of pickles and coffee. You are correct, governments are colluding with industry.
It was a nightmare to be there! One woman took all the posters down in anger while I applauded loudly!
I also debated with their lobbyists so that many people in the room could hear.
Such corporate presentations are deliberate misrepresentations of science! What a farce this whole thing was!
I don’t know if there will be another presentation. The Telus event was an open house style, with no chance to formally address the audience.
Re. Lloyd Burrell
“….And the EMF Health Summit just snowballed from there.
I’ve been able to connect with 34 world-class experts on everything EMF… cell phone radiation, 5G, WiFi, smart meters, dirty electricity, Bluetooth, you name it.
Each of them shares their best strategies to protect yourself from these digital toxins, which are causing chronic inflammation and so many other conditions and diseases. Including cancer.
And do you know the best part?
It’s FREE.
All 35 interviews (34 guests but 35 interviews because I did a 2 part interview with Building Biologist Oram Miller) are free to watch between 14th and 20th June.
Register here today to guarantee you don’t miss it!
Note: If you registered for last year’s broadcast – this is the same event. I know how tough it can be to find the time to access all these amazing interviews that’s why I’m sending you this email so you get another opportunity to take part in the biggest FREE EMF Summit event ever…
You know I always ask you to share my emails, well this time it’s super important to share because with your help I really feel we can change something here.
Please share with your loved ones, your friends and your neighbors!
Lloyd Burrell
Live a naturally healthy life in our electromagnetic world!
P.S. if the above link doesn’t work please copy/paste this link into your browser http://bit.ly/2KCmVQQ
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“No diet will remove all the fat from your body because the brain is entirely fat. Without a brain, you might look good, but all you could do is run for public office.” ~ George Bernard Shaw