1) Olga Sheean knows the WHO because she used to work for it. In many of her writings, and in this video, she accuses the WHO of deliberately aligning itself with the industry, filling its panels with industry people, and allowing life on earth to be threatened for profit.
Please share this video. We must support those who are attacking these agencies which are supposed to help protect us.
The WHO cover-up that is costing us the Earth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKDrui7ZMnw (19 min.)
2) Not a word about considering fiber optic cable which is so much better in so many ways. Increase theWi-Fi, boost it to the next level !! School Boards have the responsibility to protect the children in their charge as well as their employees, the teachers, but I bet neither the IT fellow nor the Trustees know a thing about the dangers of Wi-Fi. Once they have been informed, they could be held liable. Hopefully, someone will attempt to educate them on the dangers of Wi-Fi — but if the experience in BC is any example, this will not be easy.
And why aren’t the telecoms forced to inform their customers about the dangers of their products? No labels, no word about the scientific evidence. The corporations are guilty of selling toxic products that could/will harm children.
School board in Alberta leans on Cisco and WiFi 6 to improve connectivity for students
“Providing sufficient internet to rural areas is difficult. The Wild Rose District School Board (WRSD) is trying to solve this problem with WiFi 6 as part of a pilot project with Cisco Systems.
The pilot is being conducted to test out Cisco’s new intent-based networking solution that will allow companies to rely on WiFi 6 – the next stage in WiFi also known as 802.11ax – to smooth the pathways between applications and devices.”
3) For the first time, Telus admits that bringing fiber optic cable to homes is the first step toward having 5G. These people need to know that fiber optic cable without any wireless connections is faster, cheaper, more efficient, provides more secure access to the internet and it is safer. People in Prince George need to organize and educate neighbours about the microcells that will be outside their doors.
Faster fibre-optic internet coming to Prince George by way of $150M investment
“Faster internet. It’s a thing everyone wants whether it be on the job, watching television, playing games, streaming music, or even to video-conference your doctor.
This is something a Canadian telecommunications giant wants to mitigate over the next three years by investing $150 million for high-speed internet that will span Prince George, Lheidli T’enneh reserves, and northern B.C.
TELUS’ PureFibre network was introduced this morning (June 6) at the Prince George Conference and Civic Centre to local company employees, community members, and politicians….
The project is ensuring 5G technology by the upgrade’s completion in the early months of 2022, though there is no official timeline for groundwork yet as local terrain and winter weather will be taken into consideration….
According to TELUS, the groundwork will include employees going door-to-door explaining its plan to local residents that will be affected by the upgrade.”
4) A member with a very good memory recalls that Energy Minister Mungall, the person in charge of BC Hydro, was one of the NDP members who, while in opposition, called for an independent review of the smeter program, demanding that her constituents deserved to have their concerns taken into consideration, that this program was rammed through without any oversight as was the entire Clean Energy Act. Once in power, suddenly the promises and the outrage were forgotten. We can’t even get Minister Mungall, or any of the NDP, to answer our letters asking for the BCUC to review this program, its costs, our opt-out fees, or anything.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Mungall supports call for independent review of Smart Meter Program
“The NDP Opposition introduced a motion in the Legislature calling for an independent review of BC Hydro’s Smart Meter program. MLA Michelle Mungall stood up in support of the motion citing that the Liberals removed this $1 billion dollar decision from proper oversight by the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC)….
“Lardeau Valley residents want to see some due diligence,” said Mungall. “They want to see this government take their concerns seriously, and they want to see that the B.C. Utilities Commission is able to do its job.””
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and acted on.” Ben Franklin
Sent from my safe, secure wired laptop with no wifi enabled.