Mothers, Grandmothers and Expectant Mothers – Wake up!

Embryos, newborn babies, children of all ages, the sick and the elderly are especially being harmed today because Health Canada, Industry Canada and B.C.’s Provincial Health Officer are NOT telling us the truth about the very real – KNOWN – harm humans and all living things experience when constantly exposed to the kind of microwave radiation emitted by today’s wireless devices – including baby monitors and Smart Meters!

The only PEOPLE who say this radiation is safe are those profiting from the sale of wireless products. The only STUDIES showing that this radiation is safe are those paid for by Industry!

Informed people everywhere know the following are verifiable facts:
1) July 2014, 53 scientists from 18 countries openly condemned Canada’s radiation ‘guidelines’ and urged Health Canada “to intervene to prevent an emerging health crisis”!
2) In July 2014, 22 Canadian doctors openly condemned Canada’s so-called ‘safe’ radiation Exposure Limits and urged Health Canada “to protect Canadians from today’s wireless radiation”;
3) In June 2015, more than 200 world-class scientists from 40 countries signed the International Scientists’ Appeal which was specifically addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations, to all U.N. member-countries and to the Director General of the World Health Organization calling on all parties to “protect humans and wildlife from the dangers of wireless technology.”
4) Insurance companies will not insure any wireless device against lawsuits alleging health-related illnesses attributed to wireless radiation!  Disgracefully, Canada’s own federal government and the wireless and electric power industries have successfully convinced municipal governments that wireless is safe — and extremely profitable!

Mankind’s only salvation today is women: when mothers and grandmothers finally learn the truth, their united voices will stop this genocide and force all governments to restore decency and democracy to Canada!

James G. (“Jerry”) Flynn, Captain (Retired)