[Airlines Cargo – Anthony Miller – BC Hydro – BCUC – BioInitiative Report – Cell Phones – Dariusz Leszczynski – Doctor – EMFs – EMR Health Conference – Esra Neufeld – Federal Network Agency – High Voltage Power Lines – ICEMS – ICES – IEEE – Itron – Jerry Flynn – Liability Lawsuits – Linda Birnbaum – Lithium Batteries Fires & Explosions – Microcells – Moisture – My Friend Cayla doll by Genesis Toys – NTP National Toxicology Program – Politicians – Privacy – RF – Real Estate Board of BC – RNCNIRP – Robin Richardson, Vancouver Island Party – Ron McCormick – Ronald Melnick – Rony Seger – Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Smartphones – Schools – Security – Smart TVs – Substations – Telecommunications Act TKG – Tesla – Tri-field Meter – Wi-Fi – Wireless | Bowser, Niles Creek Landing, BC – Germany – Jerusalem, Israel – USA] & (videos)
1) In Germany, it is illegal for privacy to be breached by devices such as the “smart” TV. It is not clear to me how/if this applies to smeters but I’ve asked one of our members who speaks German to try to find out.
“According to § 90 Telekommunikationsgesetz ( TKG ), it is forbidden to own, manufacture, distribute, introduce or otherwise transmit broadcasting systems or other telecommunications equipment, or otherwise to fall within the scope of this Act, which in its form fakes another object or disguises it with objects of daily use And are, on the basis of these circumstances or because of their mode of operation, specially adapted and intended to intuitively listen to the non-publicly spoken word of another person or to take the picture of another one of them without notice.”
Toys are no exception:

(click on photos to enlarge)
“The My Friend Cayla doll, which is manufactured by the US company Genesis Toys and distributed in Europe by Guildford-based Vivid Toy Group, allows children to access the internet via speech recognition software, and to control the toy via an app.
But Germany’s Federal Network Agency announced this week that it classified Cayla as an “illegal espionage apparatus”. As a result, retailers and owners could face fines if they continue to stock it or fail to permanently disable the doll’s wireless connection.”
2) ITRON smeters have lithium batteries that can explode and burn when overheated or exposed to moisture. BC Hydro and the BCUC have failed to respond to questions about this serious design flaw – but we should be demanding that these fire hazards be removed from our homes. Here is another article about various things from Tesla cars to cell phones that have had lithium batteries explode. When is enough enough?
The incident, nonetheless, highlights concerns about lithium technology at a time when the chemistry is again coming under close scrutiny. There have been enough reports of fires and meltdowns involving the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 that the FAA barred passengers from carrying the smartphone onto commercial airplanes. A number of airlines have now severely restricted — or barred entirely — shipment of lithium batteries in cargo holds.
3) Videos of the presentations at the conference in Israel in January are available. One of the presenters is Dr. Melnick who worked on the National Toxicology Program, the very important 10-year US study.
Anthony Miller, MD, Professor Emeritus:
Linda S. Birnbaum, PhD, DABT, ATS / Ronald Melnick, PhD (retired NIH scientist who helped design the NIEHS study):
Rony Seger, MD:
Esra Neufeld, PhD:
Dariusz Leszczynski, MSc, DSc, PhD:
4) With the provincial election looming, many of us are looking for a politician who will speak out for us about smeters, Wi-Fi in school, microcells, etc. So far, none has been willing to stick his neck out and support science for the sake of our health and our vote. Below is an exchange between Jerry Flynn and the person who hopes to lead a new party. As another ‘politician’ would say, SAD.
From: Jerry Flynn
Sent: February 15, 2017
To: ‘Robin Richardson’ <robin@vanisleparty.com>
Subject: RE: A new political party – Vancouver Island Party
Hi Robin,
I’m really sorry to hear that, because it tells me that you don’t really understand the problem! ALL consumer wireless products/devices emit similar very weak pulsed NON-thermal EMF radiation within radio frequencies 700 MHz to about 5 GHz. That tells me that you have not read the BioInitiative Report (http://www.bioinitiative.org). One only has to view the CONCLUSIONS. That causes me to think that probably you are also unaware that the Russian National Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RNCNIRP) warned the world almost 10 years ago about the hazards of wireless technology (http://www.iemfa.org/publications/).
Which makes me think that you are unlikely to know what the International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS) [don’t confuse this with the corrupt ICES, which is part of IEEE] say about ELF RF EMF? They speak on behalf of scientists and health specialists around the world.
If you’d take the time to view the links I have sent you in the past, you’d know that no one is suggesting that cell phones, ‘smart’ phones, iPads etc. be banned. Scientists simply say that cell phones should (and easily can) be modified to make them less harmful. All of the major cell phone companies have had patents outstanding for years now, because they knew their devices harmed people! But no one would make the first move, for fear it would cause massive liability lawsuits. Even the US Telecom’s own studies proved they’re harmful (in 2003-2009).
Likewise, the ELF EMF emitted by household electricity. While this is undeniably dangerous, scientists say it too can be rectified, in part, by choosing another ELF frequency (other than 60 Hz / 50 Hz). Remember, the human brain functions on frequencies in the 0.5 to 30 Hz. Electric utilities can also modify the way houses/buildings are wired. Done correctly, the hazardous magnetic fields will simply cancel each other out.
As leader of a wannabe provincial party, you have no choice but to educate yourself about the obscene chasm that exists between what governments, regulatory agencies and electric utilities say are ‘safe’ distances (buffer zones) separating overhead high voltage power transmission and distribution lines, substations etc. and schools, playgrounds, residential areas etc.
Speaking of electrical substations, as leader of the VIP party, you should have spoken out strongly in opposition to BC Hydro’s CEO, Jessica McDonald, who proposed tearing down an existing public school in the City of Vancouver (Yaletown) in order to build one or possibly two large buried substations, on top of which it would then build a new public school where the previous school stood! Industry says magnetic fields of 2,000 mG are safe; whereas scientists say it should not exceed even 1 mG! Her article was in the Jan. 20, 2017 major print media.
If you truly do want to help people while growing VIP, here’s a golden opportunity for you. Buy yourself an inexpensive Tri-field Meter, Model 100XE (which measures, separately, magnetic and electric fields). (I think I paid $125 on the Internet for mine.) You might be able to borrow or rent one. Once you have a Gauss meter, take a colleague with you and drive up island to the community called “Niles Creek landing,” which is just south of Bowser. Taking the coastal highway, you can’t miss Niles Landing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powerlines_connecting_Vancouver_Island_with_Canadian_Mainland
because that is one of several places where BC Hydro brings hydro power to Vancouver Island from the mainland. It does so in the form of underwater cables which come ashore as twin, overhead 525 kV hydro lines which terminate smack dab in that tiny, unsuspecting community. The nearest homes are literally within 100 feet of the nearest power line! The community, as I understand it, is only 2-4 years old, meaning that it is too soon for the plethora of diseases/illnesses (that scientists say are caused or promoted by or linked to magnetic fields) have not yet appeared. Normally, the latency period is at least 10 years. For some it can be 20-30 years! Once you enter the community, park your vehicle near any home and begin taking readings with your Guass meter. You’ll be absolutely shocked! Whereas honest scientists of the world say that a safe ‘ambient’ level of magnetic field in a home should be not more than 1 mG, your meter will go completely off the scale trying to read the horrific magnetic field in that community! If you present them with the facts and don’t frighten them, each and every home owner there is a potential new VIP member! Bring a class-action lawyer with you; it will save you time! You might consider inviting the Real Estate Board of BC, as they too should be very interested. Done properly, this wee village all by itself should get you and the VIP some badly-needed media coverage. Membership will then grow. I personally am not interested in any party that does not make ELF RF EMF a centre plank in its policy platform. Nothing is more important than this, Robin.
= = =
From: Robin Richardson [mailto:robin@vanisleparty.com]
Sent: February-08-17
To: Jerry Flynn
Subject: Re: A new political party – Vancouver Island Party
Hi Jerry
I apologize for not responding to you in July. Your email appeared on another list with Twitter and MailChimp responses to which my webmaster only recently gave me access.
Although I am personally in support of banning smart meters with replacement by analogues and educating the public about the dangers of RF radiation, my Party Council voted me down at this time on the basis that to be consistent, we would also have to be opposed to smart phones.This would be very unpopular.
What I can promise is that when we have our first VIP convention in 2018 after we have established 14 riding associations, the issue will be on the agenda for debate. Consequently, I urge your supporters to get involved with us in becoming (or recommending) 14 candidates, becoming members and making donations.
Personally, I would be delighted to be your “shining knight” if I am still the VIP Leader and we have the backing of the Party members at our 2018 Conference.
I hope you are feeling better.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A politician thinks of the next election. A leader thinks of the next generation.”
~ Bernie Sanders